Free marketing is always good! Getting your business listed in your local community guides and your industry publications are great ways to increase your business exposure.
Here are a few ideas:
Community publications and city guides
Search engine (Google search) your competitive set to see what listings they are utilizing, if they apply to you, get listed
Search engine (Google search) what complimentary businesses for your business services/products are listed in
Social media pages - Facebook, Yelp, Craigslist, Twitter, Linked in...
Niche associations for your industry
Industry Guides
Local and regional newspapers and guides
Chamber of Commerce
Better Business Bureau
Not sure what different listing options you have for your business? Do a little research on your competitors and see where they have their business listed. You can learn a lot from just a one hour research session.
Your To-Do List:
Keep a master list of the different listings you create for your business with the direct URL to the listings page
Include your user name and password (if they required one) for ease of future reference
Add the date that you updated/posted and once they are created, put a task in your calendar to review them every 4 - 6 months (or more often in the case of social media and if your products and services change several times a year) to be sure they are kept up to date and relevant.
Make note of listings that allow you to add in descriptions and services so you can schedule yourself to go back and refresh the content for SEO purposes (search engine optimization).
Get Started Now on Expanding Your Business Exposure!
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