If your company is still juggling piles of papers, multiple spreadsheets, various calendars, and other paper based or older computer based systems... it is time to change. We understand that the process of making all of these changes may be overwhelming, but the result is worth the effort!
Cloud Storage First step is move all of your files to a cloud based storage tool. The days of searching through cabinets of file folders and faxing or emailing copies to the off site team members are gone. Creating a cloud storage system structured to meet your specific business needs and uses will change the future of your business. Not just the incredible amount of time that is saved in trying to share documents, but knowing you are working with the current version.
POS Point of Sales Systems Second step is review your current POS system and do a little research and you will probably find you are able to use one of the premium apps that are easily accessed from smartphones and tablets to replace the cumbersome front desk dinosaur.
CRM Third step is to look at how you handle your customer relations from the first introduction of the lead to the close of sale, and the customer support following the sale. If you have not recently researched the technologies available in this area of business management, then you need to look now. The technologies and apps in this arena are phenomenal and will definitely improve they way you go to market, increase the close ratio, and enhance the customer retention and life cycle.
Accounting and HR Another great one... revisit your current accounting and human resource processes and systems. Then have some fun looking at the super easy to use and powerful apps available. You will be pleased to find a variety of apps that fit the bill.
Marketing Talk about a paradigm shift in business! Marketing technologies, apps, and avenues are changing so rapidly it's incredible. From how to identify your target market and reach the right audience with the right message to tools to support closing the sale, whatever you need there's an app for that!
The challenge we encounter with our consulting clients is the fear of change, which sometimes results in no change. We respect that the fear is heightened when we start talking about moving a complete sales team onto a new technology, or an accounting and HR department onto a new platform. But it is so exciting when the transition is complete and the feedback of the positive impacts start rolling in.
Don't be stuck in fear of change. Don't be stuck in not knowing which technology is best for your business. That is our area of expertise. Give us a call 619-798-6774 and let's talk about it. It's what we do!